Faculty of Pharmacy

Prof. dr hab. Magdalena Prokopowicz

Address: Al. Gen. J. Hallera 107, 80-416, Gdańsk
Phone: 58 349 12 83, 349 12 01
Phone/fax: 58 349 12 97
E-mail: dziekan.farmacja@gumed.edu.pl

Dean’s Office, Faculty of Pharmacy

Magdalena Stankiewicz
al. Gen. J. Hallera 107
80-416 Gdańsk

+48 58 349 12 83 – Head

+48 58 349 12 01 – Pharmacy, Master of Pharmacy , S-DISCO

+48 58 349 12 97 – Medical Analytics, Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Industry

e-mail: dziekanat.farmacja@gumed.edu.pl

We offer 5,5-year Master of Pharmacy programme in English. Our curriculum is based on modules:

A. Biomedical and humanistic foundations of pharmacy

B. Physicochemical basis of pharmacy

C. Drug analysis, synthesis and technology

D. Biopharmacy and drug effects

E. Pharmaceutical practice

F. Research methodology

G. Internship

The structure of our programme enables students to acquire basic knowledge in biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences as well as to acquire practical skills in the field of pharmaceutical care.

In general, our graduates are able to prepare drugs and evaluate their quality, conduct chemical, pharmaceutical, pharmacological and toxicological research to document effectiveness and safety of substances and medicinal products.

A six-month internship in a pharmacy is an integral part of the training process. Practice allows you to acquire skills in terms of:

A. organization of work in a pharmacy;

B. preparation, storage and dispensing of drugs, and medicinal products;

C. providing information on medicines;

D. providing pharmaceutical care;

E. apply the principles of professional ethics and applicable law.

Classes are conducted by experienced teaching staff. The faculty cooperates with hospitals, thanks to which it is possible to acquire skills expected from a modern pharmacist. In addition, in the case of those interested, there is an opportunity to complete internship in pharmaceutical or cosmetic companies.

During the last year of the programme, students prepare a research-based thesis. The high scientific position of the Medical University of Gdansk in Poland guarantees that it will be a great place to start your adventure with top-class scientific research.